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Creating Positive Experiences: What Not to Say or Do When with Your Kids

Having kids is a full-time job. That is on top of your existing full time job, that is! However, unlike one’s job, it is generally something that should warrant your fullest attention and dedication. We all want our children to grow up as functioning members of society who will be able to hold their own as adults and have the inner fortitude to contribute to their community rather than take from it. In order to achieve this, many parents will focus on all the things that they believe they should do to mold their children into wonderful people. Nevertheless, it isn’t only what you should be doing but also the things you should avoid if you want to have the maximum impact. This post will explore a few things that all parents should stay clear of if they wish for their little bundles of joy to grow up happy and healthy.

Reduce Your Vices When Around Them

With the stresses and general tribulations that life can throw at us, it’s easy to fall to the siren song of beer, cigarettes, or possibly substances that are a little more serious. However, you don’t really need these, and the more you take them, the more you will end up relying on them. But, it’s your life, so you can do as you please, but be aware that in most cases, whatever you do, your child will very likely observe your actions and subconsciously want to emulate them. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea to substitute the things you can for those that are less harmful. For instance, instead of smoking, you could opt to vape. This will have two benefits: you will improve your health and subject your children to less secondhand smoke. Options like the RAZ TN 9000 even enable you to select a variety of flavors that you can mix and match. The idea isn’t that you have to fully give up everything you enjoy, but try to reduce the amount you do it in front of the kids. 

Avoid Overly Negative Language Or Criticism

We included the word “overly” in that heading because, in some cases, robust language is necessary to ensure that they genuinely understand the severity of a specific negative situation. However, when things start to damage your child, you constantly use negative words or are too critical of your child. This can lead to significant self-esteem issues that might not manifest immediately but could come to the fore later in life.

Show Genuine Interest And Support

Listening to your kid can often be a lesson in patience. After all, how many times can you praise them for that random squiggle they drew on a piece of paper? Showing support from the get-go can dramatically improve their confidence and ensure they grow up able to put their all into anything they do. Moreover, the more support you show for their interests, the more likely it is they will pursue them and continue to improve as they grow. Always support your kids in anything they do, regardless of what it is. It’s often not the actual act you’re helping but them themselves.

Rearing contented children takes a lot of sacrifice from parents, but the payoff is a child who is capable, happy, healthy, and confident in their abilities. You can guarantee that your kid thrives by attempting to reduce your vices and backing them throughout their endeavors.